I empower introverted female service providers to master messaging and amplify their visibility so they can cut through the noise and achieve big business results, without draining their energy or being someone they're not.
Your message matters. Like really, really, matters. It can be the difference between feeling like it’s a real slog to attract any clients at all vs. attracting the kind of clients you’re head over heels excited to work with.
In this week’s episode, I share 3 brand messaging blocks that will hold you back when it comes to calling in your dream clients and I give some quick tips on how to bust through each block.
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Episode 13: Look within to stand out from the crowd.
3 messaging blocks that stop us attracting dream clients.
Well hello there my friend and welcome to episode 14 of the Fierce Impact podcast.
And who can believe we are in May already? I’ve got the chunky knits coming out of the wardrobe already, and I’m eyeing up a snuggly, very nice leopard print coat I’ve seen in the shops for winter. But gosh it feels like this year is whizzing by already.
With that in mind, I will jump straight into it.
Today I’m talking about 3 messaging blocks that stop us attracting dream clients.
What these three blocks have in common is that they are all tied to your messaging.
When it comes to our business we often skip past spending time on developing intentional messages. But it is such an important part of brand growth. So let’s crack into number one.
The first common block that will stop us attracting dream clients is:
A common discussion I have with clients when they first start working with me on their messaging or copy is that their business has evolved and their messaging now feels outdated.
But the problem they have is that they feel a little bit stuck because they don’t know how to articulate in a really powerful and compelling way, what they do and the value that their ideal clients receive when working with them.
And because they are so close to what they do, it’s really hard for them to sit back and work out what the most important messages are to communicate because when it’s your business and you’re that close to it, everything seems important.
And so what happens when you feel like this – and I know this because so many of my clients have told me this – is that it starts to hold them back.
And that’s because when you’re not confident with the message you’re putting out into the world, or you don’t know what to talk about or how to talk about it, you avoid putting yourself out there at all.
So this might look like regularly drawing blanks when you sit down to write. You just don’t know what to say to start making the impact you want to have.
And when your message feels murky it makes everything else you’re trying to do in your business feel like a major slog that never quite seems to hit the nail on the head or get the results you really desire.
So we end up not showing up on social media. We don’t put ourselves forward for podcast interviews, for guest blog posts, or we don’t send emails to our email community.
So not being clear on our message can literally stop you in your tracks. And this means you’ll find it hard to attract clients, let alone the ones that you REALLY want to attract and work with.
If you’re not clear on your message how can you expect your ideal client to understand how you can help them and the value they’ll get by working with you? Why they should choose you?
So that’s when I come in and together with my clients we look for the “golden threads” and concepts that are going to strike a real chord with their ideal clients. If you haven’t listened to my last episode – episode 13: Look within to stand out from the crowd, make sure you check it out – this is a great place to start uncovering some of these threads.
Then you need to think about the unique way that you work. And the problems and deeper than surface-level desires that your ideal clients have. What is it that they really really want? Keep asking yourself why? What’s it going to help them achieve? How’s it going to make them feel?
If you are struggling to get clear on your messaging, these are the basic places to start.
Another really common perspective that clients raise when we’re talking about writing new website copy is that they find it really hard to write about themselves because they don’t want to come across as “bigging themselves up” or being seen as boastful.
In New Zealand in particular, there is a sense of not wanting to come across as a tall poppy. Not wanting to be seen as “look at me”, “look at what amazing things I can do”, “look at how successful I am.”
I totally get where these clients are coming from, it’s something that in the past I have struggled with myself. And still do at times.
So the biggest way I overcame this, was to get into the habit of reminding myself that as a business owner it is my JOB to advocate for myself. For my skills. For the value I provide. For the results and transformation I help people to achieve.
And to do this, I have to remind myself not to let my emotions about what other people might think, get the better of me.
It is my job to put my best foot forward. It is my job to promote myself and to talk about what I can do for my ideal client and how I have helped people.
Reframing my mindset in this way has been a game-changer. And this is what I share with those clients I work with who are nervous about coming across as though they are “bragging” about themselves.
It’s not about bragging. It’s about making sure that you present yourself as having complete confidence in what you do and how you help.
Because if you don’t share the amazing results you get, if you don’t talk about why you fully believe that your coaching, your programme, your offer is so bloomin awesome… how can you expect your idea clients to have confidence in you? How can you expect them to choose you?
And so if we go back to point one about getting clear on your message – this is another reason why messaging is such important work. Because when you’re clear in your messages it gives you a huge amount of confidence and you will know exactly HOW to talk about how amazing you are in a way that your ideal client needs to hear, without coming across as egotistical. (Side note, the very fact that you’re worried about coming across as egotistical or ‘full of yourself’ through your messaging and copy means you won’t come across that way at all. So please don’t worry.)
Another way we block our chances of attracting soul mate clients is by self-censoring our beliefs and perspectives as we write our copy and content.
We often dilute what we really want to say for fear that it will put potential clients off.
But here’s the thing. The opposite is usually true. The reality is when people are looking to work with someone, let’s say a coach for example, they will gravitate naturally towards those who share similar values, perspectives, and beliefs to them.
And vice versa, we often want to attract people who we feel really gets and appreciates where we’re coming from as a business owner. People who believe in how our unique perspectives and approach shape the work we do.
We are all always looking for common connection points with the people we work with. We like to feel like we vibe with a person’s personality, that we’ll feel comfortable working with them, opening up to them.
So if you’re not sharing your true beliefs, perspectives, or personality and you’re not attracting the kinds of people you really want to work with, look at whether you are diluting your messages because you don’t want to put anyone off.
So those are 3 common blocks that stop us from attracting our ideal clients.
Let’s recap quickly
If you’re at a stage in business where you feel like you’ve outgrown your messages, maybe you lack clarity on what you want to say, how you want to position yourself, what makes you different – and you feel like it’s holding your growth back, then my 1:1 brand messaging coaching package could be a perfect fit for you. Simply DM me on Instagram for the details or head over to my website www.hayleymaxwell.com
I hope you found this episode useful. If you enjoyed it and don’t want to miss upcoming episodes, then hit the subscribe button in your favourite podcast player.
And if you’d like to rate and review the show I would be hugely grateful as your feedback is really important to me and to others who are deciding whether to listen in or not.
And so, until next time, go forth and be fierce.